Moving Beyond the "Clash of Cultures"

"The perceptions and values of disabled people (particularly disability rights advocates and disabled social scientists) and of many nondisabled people (particularly health care professionals, ethicists, and health policy analysts), regarding virtually the whole range of current health and medical-ethical issues (treatment decision making, health care access and health care rationing, medical cost-containment, and assisted suicide) seem frequently to conflict with one another....Can we bridge the apparent gulf between disabled and nondisabled perspectives?...The perspectives and values of the disability rights community...need to be incorporated into the ongoing debate about medical practice, ethics, and policy."

--Paul Longmore, "Medical Decision Making and People with Disabilities: A Clash of Cultures," J of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (1995): 82-87.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Disability in the Medical Literature: A Short Bibliography

International classification of functioning, disability and health. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. 2001. 

Iezzoni LI. Tracking disability disparities: The data dilemma. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 2008;13:129-130. 

Iezzoni LI. Going beyond disease to address disability. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:976-979. 

Iezzoni LI. Toward universal design in assessing health care experiences. Med Care. 2002;40:725. 

Iezzoni LI. A 44-year-old woman with difficulty walking. J Am Med Assoc. 2000;284:2632-2639. 

Iezzoni LI. What should I say? communication around disability. Ann Intern Med. 1998;129:661-665. 

Iezzoni LI, Freedman VA. Turning the disability tide: The importance of definitions. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008;299:332-334. 

Iezzoni LI, McCarthy EP, Davis RB, Harris-David L, O'Day B. Use of screening and preventive services among women with disabilities. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2001;16:135-144. 

Iezzoni LI, O'Day BL, Killeen M, Harker H. Communicating about health care: Observations from persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Ann Intern Med. 2004;140:356-362+I68. 

Kirschner KL, Breslin ML, Iezzoni LI. Structural impairments that limit access to health care for patients with disabilities. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2007;297:1121-1125. 

McCarthy EP, Ngo LH, Roetzheim RG, et al. Disparities in breast cancer treatment and survival for women with disabilities. Ann Intern Med. 2006;145:637-645. 

Steinberg AG, Iezzoni LI, Conill A, Stineman M. Reasonable accommodations for medical faculty with disabilities. J Am Med Assoc. 2002;288:3147-3154. 

Ubel PA, Loewenstein G, Jepson C. Whose quality of life? A commentary exploring discrepancies between health state evaluations of patients and the general public. Quality of Life Research. 2003;12:599-607.

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